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Changes on the farm

It seems like I never have enough time in the day to write an entry here. So, I found time today, as it storms outside.

   The crop is coming in well, chickens are laying wonderfully, hogs are growing nicely, we bought 3 additional hogs yesterday from the Deanna Rose Farmstead, they had never seen mud before, nor did they know how to walk on dirt. It was quite the site to see.

     Also this week we have had two hogs fall ill, of course they were quarantined, and watched closely, however, during the night last night our little girl Piglet passed away. She will be burried later this afternoon.

     We still have several hogs available for purchase, these will have a November and December processing dates. Email us to put your order in. Half up front or 4 equal monthly payments. All sales include processing.

        As always, thank you for reading my blog, and supporting our family farm.

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