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Some days never seem to end

Today was a very busy day for us on the farm. Earlier this week we added nine hogs, and today we added 26 hens. 

   As always our day starts close to 6am, watering, feeding, then garden work. This week, we have harvested 75lbs of golden potatoes, and have another 6 rows left to do, so possibly another 500lbs. Our cucumbers, are growing and we've been eating most of them. Pumpkins are growing everywhere and the blue ones are doing well. Canteloupes are about the size of tennis balls, watermelons are the size of peanuts. Cherry tomatoes, beef steak tomatoes, peppers etc. All doing well even with this non-relenting heat.

    As you may have noticed, I haven't written much, it's due to the fact we start at 6am and work til dark, between our moving company, contracting company, and the farm, often times we eat dinner at 1030pm, and then bath the kids and off to bed. So please don't think I'm ignoring you, I'm not. There is only so much time in a day.

        We have several hogs still available, and also a sheep that will be available in November. Please message me if you would like to purchase one of them or have any questions. 

        As always, thank you for reading and supporting our family farm.

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