I know many of you read my blogs that I try to write daily. I apologize for not writing the last few days. Between having our cars in the shop, living in the middle of nowhere, and having a million things to do, especially since there hasn't been a drop of rain here, we've been watering every 3 hours for the last week, including watering the animals as well. We lost Ringo on Saturday, and lost another DeKalb white chicken today.
Tomorrow we deliver eggs, and hopefully get one of our vehicles back. Friday we are taking the kids to the Deanna Rose Farmstead, and giving them a day to unwind.
Yesterday, Brandi finished planting our fall crop, and checked over all the other produce, we have a few cucumbers growing, pumpkins and potatoes, onions and tons and tons of canteloupe.
As always thank you for reading and supporting our family farm.