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A day of firsts...

   Today on the farm was life as normal, with the exception of finally being able to smoke the pork belly that had been curing for the past two weeks or so, from a hog we had raised this last September. Then me making my first attempt at making bread ever to go with dinner.

    I'd also like to thank Sandra Luna and her husband for buying a hog for their 4th of July celebration. I'm excited to announce that we have now sold the first round of hogs purchased in April, and are now looking to buy several more.

       The weather has been quite remarkable the past several days, and we have been able to get a lot accomplished, and take a day doing my other passion, which is cooking.

        Oh, our Tom, Ringo, was having an attitude today, because Star, the hen is being broody.

       So not a novel today, but a nice read all the same.

       As always, thank you for reading and supporting our family farm.

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