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   Today wasn't anything out of the ordinary, except, that we have come to the conclusion that our hens are molting, and that is why they are not laying, unfortunately that means 6 weeks of low production. We did open up the entire yard for them again, now that they have been cooped up in the enclosure for 3 weeks to train them to lay their eggs there. Our turkeys were happy, Ringo our Royal Palm would not quit following me today asking for me to pet him, and talk to him. When I mowed the lawn, he walked behind me, following me around for about 45 minutes.

    The pumpkins and everything else is still doing well, even though the heat has been above average all month.

     Tomorrow we will pick up our hens from the processing plant. They will be available Saturday, and order quickly as we only have 11 left, and they sell for $16.50 each.

       Other than that, not much else to report. As always, thank you for reading and supporting our family farm.

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