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Heat, heat, and yes more heat!

   Our chickens have decided that they hate me, although I give them buckets of ice in their ice water, and keep them fed with bugs, berries and layer feed. Another day of a mere 26 eggs, out of 89 that should be laying.

    We lost one of our DeKalb whites, I don't think it was heat related, she was just not looking the best since we got her last week.

       Today we built a 80 ft long fence along the garden, and opened up the rest of the yard for the hens again, and let me be free birds for a few hours before dark.

         The rain last night kept it cool for a little bit longer this morning, but it still managed to reach 93 by 2 pm.

          Other than chicken stuff today, not much else was done. Hopefully the ability to roam once again tomorrow will produce more eggs, and not mass egg hunt. We shall see what tomorrow brings.

          As always, thank you for reading our blog, and supporting our family farm.

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