As most of you are settling in to watch the 10 o'clock news. My family and I are sitting in the living room with candles. The storm that went through at 7:00 pm knocked out power to our home and outbuildings. Yet, the farm shop just ⅛ mile down the road has full power. The winds weren't quite strong enough to be consider severe, but, for a total of 4 minutes, there were straight line winds of excess of 70 mph, which knocked our power out. Around 9:30pm the electric company finally made it to our middle of nowhere farm, and have been driving around with their search lights looking for the remaining downed poles, blown transformers and lines. We had to bring in our chicks, as the weather is just cool enough that they could perish if not kept warm. The sheep and goat were brought in and fed, then taken out and put to bed. We questioned about bringing in the pigs, but, just brought in the smaller ones for the hardest part of the storm, as the others sought shelter in there dwelling. But, that's the way rural life works, sometimes it storms, and sometimes you lose power. We gave the kids a science lesson, and took some adorable pictures, well one anyway. The rest were mostly a blur. Today was castration day for the hogs, they were easier to load than the last ones, and the procedures went rather swift. We had made them a nice grassy area, but due to the four inches of rain we received since 6:30pm, it's now just a giant mud pit, and we will move them again tomorrow. Egg production was at an all time high today 59, however, Brandi dropped 2 as the winds came up, Bailey some how managed to break 3. But, it happens, and that is all just another day at the farm. Dinner was non-existent tonight as the power went out as we were going to start it, so the kids chose cookies and dry cereal. As I write this, the power has flashed back on, and then off, on again, and now off. So, maybe it's getting close to being resolved, but then again maybe not. Another day on the farm, and another day done. As always, thanks for reading, and thanks for supporting our family farm.
It's now 11:15pm the power just came back on. Now time for bed.