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I cooked a snake for a late snack......

So many of you read my blog from yesterday, and saw the monster that my brother killed and brought to our farm. 

  Well beings that we strongly believe in farm to table, and feel that what is killed should be eaten, he left me no choice but to cook it.

    Now, beings that I didn't have to touch it before it was processed and cleaned, I was able to do so without squirming too much.

      Nick did a wonderful job of processing it, the meat was soft and well cleaned, and cut into very good pieces.

      Once I finished getting the lard hot and ready, I threw together an egg wash, using fresh turkey eggs, and a cup of whole milk. I then prepared my flour, cayenne, garlic, salt, pepper, paprika and coriander, double breading each one, and then cooking them at 365 degrees for about 4 minutes. I also made a handful of onion rings, and served it with a mixed array of colored peppers, Chipotle sauce, and siracha. First time attempting to make it, and I feel it turned out well. Tasted quite like frog legs.

     Now, onto farm life, tomorrow is castration day for four of seven hogs, so we spent part of the day building a new run, and making sure there was a clean environment when they return home.

        Our chickens produced 54 eggs today, but, 5 were broke by my big thumbs. So we are happy with the production today.

        Other than that, just a normal day on the farm, sounds of chickens clucking, roosters crowing, and hogs playing. The lambs are about two months from processing, and the Cornish cross go to process next week. Before we know it, the hogs will be ready as well.

        Our garden is taking off quite nicely, seems as if everything has sprouted, the potatoes are flowering, and the pumpkins are really taking off. Lots to be excited about, and always so much to do.

       Thank you for reading, and as always, thank you for supporting our farm, even if just by sharing these daily blogs.

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