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Eventfulness continues!!

  We actually had a late start this morning, 8:30am. Then we had our daily feedings, the building of a coop on our trailer, then the two hour drive to obtain 30 DeKalb chickens, for those of you who don't know what dekalbs are, they are pure white chickens, that lay large white eggs.

I am quite excited, because by purchasing them, we add anywhere from 20-30 more eggs a day. Or an additional 12 dozen a week. We strive to provide our demand for eggs, and these will help us achieve just that.

   Now, the bad news, Brandi has put her foot down, apparently, 89 layers are enough.(for now) We also have 23 Rhode island red chicks, and 30 barred rock chicks, so technically, with all hens, roosters, chicks and turkeys we now have 147 birds. Yes, I said 147 birds. WOW!

      For fun today, my kid brother decided to bring home a 5.5 ft bull snake, then skinned it, and put the meat in the fridge, so tomorrow, I guess I will fry him up some snake. Thrilled, let me tell you. 

         Now, it is 9:52pm, we are still unwinding from our day, our wonderful 11 year old is cooking dinner. Grilled cheese, with funyuns. Something simple, and quick. Then off to bed, and hope that tomorrow produces 50+ eggs, and a lot of fun.

        As always, thank you for reading, and supporting our ever-growing farm.

         We look forward to hearing from you, and earning your business.

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