I apologize for not writing the last few days, farm life constantly seems to be full of work!
In the last few days we have planted our pumpkin patch, and now have 83 seedlings coming up out of 110 planted, which the others may still pop up.
We now have watermelon growing and a very, very, good amount of canteloupe.
Today we built a larger run for the hogs, which provides them with a mudbathing area, as well as a grassy feeding area, we will add to that even more this week.
Our hens have been lazy the last two days, meaning, we are down about 20 eggs verses this time last week. Most likely, they just don't like the rain. Which roughly two inches has fallen over the last 3 days.
We are selling our goats, to add to our hens, so if anyone is interested, please message us. We have two Pigmy females and one male lamancha pigmy mix.
We also still have 1 1/2 hogs available for sale to be processed in October, I'm still thinking these will sell within the next week, so if you are on the fence, message us now and guarantee a hog.
Also, we've just bought 23 Rhode island reds, and 30 other chicks, so in about 18 weeks we will see an additional 53 eggs per week.
In closing, thank you again for reading, and your continued support of our farm.
Upcoming events this week, castration of 4 hogs, this should be eventful!! Stay tuned.